I have a plan. I love music and have been buying CDs since about 1985/6. My collection started with Jean Micheal Jarre 'Rendezvous' and Now That's What I Call Music 7 in the 80's and the most recent was M.A.N.D.Y '12 Great Remixes for 11 Great Artists'.
So much has changed since I started buying CDs. The first ones I bought came from Woolworths in Braintree along with some pick and mix. The more recent ones come from Amazon or Tescos. ( I feel mildly guilty about buying music from both these places. However there are no shops in my town's high street that sell CDs at a competitive price.)
What I am planning to do it revisit and relisten to each CD in my collection and write a little about the history of the CD, where I bought it, the feelings and memories it evokes and whatever else comes to mind when I'm listening to it.
I've always been obsessed with music but have realised as I have got older and more affluent the more music I own the less I actually connect with. I remember when I'd buy some thing like 'Running in the Family' by Level 42 it would have been the only CD I would have purchased for a couple of months. I played that CD constantly and knew it word for word, note for note. I don't think it's like that for me now because of the sheer volume and accessibility of music. An album would remind me of a time and place. That's what I want to capture in the blogging.
The rules are simple. The cd and case will be photographed and pic posted. The cd will be listened to either on my proper hi fi downstairs or in my office upstairs. No iPod, iPhones or mp3 or headphones. I do love technology but I want to remain pure for this blog and listen to a real CD on a proper CD player.
I've got over 600 CDs from 25 years of buying music and I plan to start blogging tomorrow.
-- Post From My iPhone
I've got over 600 CDs from 25 years of buying music and I plan to start blogging tomorrow.
-- Post From My iPhone
Top Geeza you are!