I start my new blogging hobby today. I have picked the first CD on my top shelf of CDs and it's the Best of the Art of Noise. Looking at the case I definitely remember this as being one of my really early buys. I think I may have bought it either in Woolworth's in Braintree or possibly Adrian's in Wickford during my 6th form era.
The first thing that I realise when listening to this again is how fantastic the production is. The date on the CD is 1988 and it's a 'best of' so all the tracks would have been produced and created earlier. The initial 'memory feel' I get from hearing this album is driving my dad's car on my own and parking it in the school car park. This must mean I was in the 6th form and was old enough to drive. I think I must bought this CD in 1988 or 89. I'm thinking I may have gone to Wickford to buy this because the record shop there had more stuff to rummage through. Also having an 'Adrian's Records Wickford' plastic bag was a cool 'badge' to have in the 6th Form Common Room because it meant I could drive, have access to my dad's car and I was brave enough to drive 20 miles to another town to buy music.
There's a couple of film and TV references in the CD. Dragnet 88 from the film of the same name and the Max Headroom track Paranomia which help date the CD to the late 80's. However, weirdly I don't think this album sounds dated at all. The Tom Jones track Kiss has just started. It still sounds pretty cool and sharp.
I don't want to shoot my bolt early here, there's loads and loads of CDs to go. However I do think this CD is a classic. My favorite tracks are Moments in Love and Close (to the edit).
I have had this CD out recently anyway and it always takes me back to the 6th Form, smoking in the Sainsbury's Trolley Shelter over the road from the 6th Form Building, driving my dad's car and scraping ice off windscreens.
I love this album...
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