Monday 23 November 2009

Is it Swine Flu? probably not!

What a terrible weekend of coughing and spluttering. On Saturday I felt achy all over and had a temperature. The kids were both coughing all day. On Sunday morning I thought I was going to die I felt so hot. I turned the heating off and logged onto the NHS Swineflu website to 'self diagnose'

After answering the questions I was offered some tamiflu and advice to stay at home. I made the wife do the swineflu test and she was offered the same advice. We were both given a reference number and decided to go and collect the tablets.

We haven't taken the tablets yet. We are not 'hoarding' the drugs however it was unclear that if we didn't collect the drugs after being offered the special code would we be able to get some at a later date. I was under the impression that if we had received a code we would have to collect.

What's the score? Does anyone know? All I did was do a self assessment. Has anyone else had this issue?

I subsequently realised that my 'achy' legs were probably caused by wearing 'skinny jeans' A man of my age should not be made to wear 'skinny jeans'. I'm not in Razorlight or indeed a skinny 17 year old anymore.

By the way, the wife and I still have flu like symptoms and the kids are 'snotty'. We're hoping it's just flu of the seasonal type.

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