Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls – have we got a treat in store for you this Saturday night… you lucky, lucky people!
Your dedicated web team have just returned from the official press launch of this year's X Factor, where in a glitzy London hotel we sat shoulder to shoulder with every entertainment hack worth their salt, and savoured the very first episode from the brand new series… and boy was it good. Damn, damn good to be precise.
The new format where the auditions take place in front of live audiences went down a storm. The great and the good from the world of journalism riotously howled at the funny bits, grizzled at the sad bits, and squirmed in their seats at the cringey bits.
We can’t give too much away because we don’t want to spoil a single thing for you… all we can say is The X Factor is back baby, and it’s bigger and better than ever before!
So as the clock ticks ever closer to 7pm Saturday night, you know what to do: turn the channel to ITV1, get comfy in your favourite chair, and wait… because you’ll not want to miss a second of what is shaping up to be the best show on TV, ever.
Yes we’re completely biased, but by the time the credits roll at the end of the show on Saturday night, you’ll feel exactly the same.
Enjoy it folks… we know you will.
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