I walked passed this cardboard poster the other day at Flambards Theme Park whilst on holiday with my family. I nearly wet myself with laughter when on the 2nd viewing I realised what the message of the poster was.
I saw it first as we entered the theme park and working in outdoor advertising I noticed it and thought it was an out of date 'beware of pickpockets' poster. A youth with a massive mobile phone rolling a joint wearing a shell suit and some cheap Elizabeth Duke jewellery. I didn't 'read' the poster, just 'looked' at the picture.
We then went around the whole theme park and finished at the 'Life in Victoria Times Exhibition'. I saw this poster again whilst waiting for the kids and wife outside the loos and very nearly wet myself when I actually read the copy on the poster.
It is actually advertising a 'new audio tour' of the exhibition. The big mobile phone is the listening device and they obviously give you a complimentary track suit to wear as you go around.
I found this hilarious. My wife and kids did not. I had to share it with someone.
I'm killing some time at the moment. Actually I'm a bit worried because I have a full Swedish massage booked at 6.30pm at the spa place at the hotel I'm staying at and I've been a bit windy today. What's the etiquette for farting during a massage?
I'll let you know....
-- Post From My iPhone
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